5 Hidden Powerful Dua For Getting Pregnant
Are you try lot of time to get pregnant but no success? if yes then you can recite 5 Hidden Powerful Dua For Getting Pregnant, it will pregnant you soon and you will get a healthy child within some time. Having children, running here and there, doing naughtiness, and making us laugh all day with their cute activities is the blessing of Allah. Children are the first desire of every married couple.
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But, many couples face trouble while getting the wife pregnant. Are you one of them? Don’t worry; we will serve you with the best dua from our Holy Quran. After doing in-depth research on its proven results, we have bought this “dua for getting pregnant” for our viewers. You need to read the complete article and follow every step wisely without skipping the one between; otherwise, the “dua for getting pregnant” wouldn’t work. So, let’s begin with our first “dua for getting pregnant”.
How To Do 5 Hidden powerful Dua For Getting Pregnant Step-By-Step?
Step wise process for the “dua for getting pregnant”
The following steps should be taken to perform the “dua.
- It is mandatory to perform Tahajjud namaz before performing this “dua for getting pregnant”.
- After that, you have to recite Durood Shareef 3 times.
- Then you have to read the dua for getting pregnant: “Allahu ya’lamu maa tahmilu kullu unsa wa maa tagheedul arhaamu wa maa tazdaad, wa kullu shai’in ‘indahoo bimiqdaar.”
- Again, recite Durood Shareef 3 times.
- At last, raise your hands in front of Allah and ask him to grant a baby.
You need to perform this dua for getting pregnant for only 21 days with complete dedication, strong faith in Allah, and true intention, and Inshallah, you will be gifted with a baby by the grace of Allah soon. So, try it from today to bring happiness to your home forever.
8 Powerful Dua To Get Pregnant With Twins
Are you want to get pregnant with twins? of course it will be possible by reciting 8 Powerful Dua To Get Pregnant With Twins, after recite it carefully you will get pregnant with twins. Are you desire to get pregnant with twins? If so, then you are at the right place as we will help you to increase the chances of getting twins with the help of our best “dua to get pregnant with twins”. Our best dua will prove to be the best solution for all the married couples who are going through the hardship of being pregnant.
Especially if you desire twin babies. Our best “dua to get pregnant with twins” will also help you to maintain the health of the child as well mother too throughout the pregnancy. So, what are you waiting for? let’s quickly jump into the process of performing this best dua. Allah will bless you with the cutest twin babies soon, Inshallah.
How To Do 8 Powerful Dua To Get Pregnant With Twins Step-By-Step?
Step wise process for the best “dua to get pregnant with twins”
The following steps should be taken to perform the best “dua to get pregnant with twins”:
- At first, you need to clean yourself by simply taking a bath and wearing clean clothes before performing this best “dua to get pregnant with twins”.
- Next, you have to make a fresh wudu (ablution).
- After that, you have to sit in a peaceful place facing Makkah.
- Then, you have to recite Durood Shareef 3 times.
- Now, you have to recite Surah Maryam 5 times.
- Then, it would help if you recited Ayatul Kursi 3 times.
- Again, read Durood Shareef 3 times.
- Finally, you have to recite Salawat and pray to Allah with all your deep heart to bless you with the beautiful twins.
After your obligatory prayer, you must follow the whole process of this best “dua to get pregnant with twins”, and you will get the good news within a few weeks. Inshallah, if you perform this best dua with all your heart and true desire.
5 Strong Dua To Get Pregnant After Miscarriage
Miscarriage is a bad news for every woman who want to make mother, if you are facing same problem then recite 5 Strong Dua To Get Pregnant After Miscarriage,it will surly help you to get pregnant after miscarriage. The body of a woman goes through many changes. At the same time, she is pregnant, and they may have a miscarriage of their baby due to the misshaping or as the body sometimes does not respond appropriately. Miscarriage may also happen due to the little mistakes a woman makes unknowingly.
Hence, it is important not to avoid every suggestion of your doctor during pregnancy. Miscarriage also makes a woman so weak mentally as well as physically. So, if you want to get pregnant again after your miscarriage and give birth to your child successfully, then you need to turn to Allah as he is the only one who can help you in this situation.
It is not impossible to get pregnant after your miscarriage. Still, if you are facing some problems, you don’t need to panic anymore as the powerful “dua to get pregnant after miscarriage” surely helps you if you perform it with all your heart and strong faith in Allah.
How To Do 5 Strong Dua To Get Pregnant After Miscarriage Step-By-Step?
Step wise process for the powerful “dua to get pregnant after miscarriage”
The following steps should be taken to perform the powerful dua:
- It is mandatory to perform every obligatory prayer regularly.
- Next, you must recite Durood Shareef 3 times after every Salah (Namaz).
- Then, you must read the powerful “dua to get pregnant after a miscarriage”: ‘birWaMaasSabrukaIllaaBillaahiWaLaaTah’zanA’layhimwaLaataku ZeeqimMimmaaVamkuroonInnallaaha Ma-I’ll’eat-taqawWal-lad’LeHum Muh’sinoon.
- Now, again recite Durood Shareef 3 times.
- At last, you have to weep in front of Allah and ask him to shower his blessings so that you will successfully give birth to a beautiful baby as soon as possible.
You are required to perform this powerful “dua to get pregnant after miscarriage” continuously after every obligatory prayer until you get fruitful results. We assure you that you will soon get the good news, Inshallah.
8 Tested Dua To Get Pregnant With Baby Boy or Girl
Are you want to get pregnant with your choice baby? if yes then recite 8 Tested Dua To Get Pregnant With Baby Boy or Girl, it will help you to get pregnant with baby boy or girl. Many married couples desire to get a child of a specific gender like if someone is already blessed with a baby girl, they want their next baby as a boy and vice versa. Allah is the only one who blesses us with a child of a specific gender.
So, it would be better to ask him to fulfill your desire. Here, we will provide you with the most effective “dua to get pregnant with a baby boy or girl” as per your preference. Look at all the steps below and follow them wisely to fulfill your desire with the blessing of Allah.
How To Do 8 Tested Dua To Get Pregnant With Baby Boy or Girl?
Step wise process of the effective “dua to get pregnant with baby boy or girl”
The following steps should be taken to perform the effective dua:
- You must first make sure to perform every obligatory prayer regularly to perform this effective dua.
- Remember to start this effective dua on Thursday.
- You must perform this effective “dua to get pregnant with a baby boy or girl” after any one of your daily prayers (Namaz).
- You must keep sitting on your prayer mat and place ground turmeric in front of you.
- Next, you have to recite Durood-E-Shareef 7 times.
- After that, you must recite “Ya Illaha Illaha” 500 times.
- Now again, recite Durood-E-Shareef 7 times.
- Finally, raise your hands in front of Allah and ask him to grant a baby boy or girl as per your preference.
You are required to perform this most effective “dua to get pregnant with a baby boy or girl” for a month to get amazing results by God’s grace, Inshallah.
5 Best Dua To Become Pregnant Soon
Each and every woman want baby, if you are one of them and want to get pregnant soon then recite 5 Best Dua To Become Pregnant Soon, after reciting this dua carefully you will become pregnant soon. Here is the best, most amazing, and proven “dua to become pregnant soon”.
So, if you want to get pregnant as quickly as possible for some specific reason, then our best dua to become pregnant will provide you the best method to get the good news of your pregnancy as soon as possible, Inshallah. You are only required to turn to Allah and pray in a way that will agree with your desire and bless you with fruitful results soon. So, why don’t you try once?
How To Do 5 Best Dua To Become Pregnant Soon Step-By-Step?
Step wise process for the best “dua to become pregnant soon”
The following steps should be taken to perform the best “dua to become pregnant soon”:
- You must clean yourself and perform a fresh wudu (ablution) before performing the best dua to become pregnant soon.
- It would help if you started with reciting Durood Shareef 11 times.
- After that you have to recite the best dua “Rabbanaa waj’alnaa muslimaini laka wa min zurriyyatinaaa ummatam muslimatal laka wa arinaa manaasikanaa wa tub ‘alainaa innaka antat Tawwaabur Raheem” which is been taken from Surah–Al–Baqarah for at least 1001 times.
- Now, again recite Durood Shareef 11 times to complete the process.
- In the end, you need to ask Allah to permit you with the cutest baby as soon as possible so that your home is full of happiness.
You must perform this best “dua to become pregnant soon” for a month to get amazing results. The good news is just a mile away from you!
Note: it is recommended to all the women performing our given duas not to perform them during their menstruation cycle.
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